Catechesis for young people and adults



Families whose children were baptized want their child ( 8 years old and plus) to celebrate the other sacraments of Christian initiation: Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation.

The "Sunday school" meetings are held at church after the 9:00 a.m. mass.

Information: Ms. Candice Stella 514-707-3232


Adults who want to celebrate their marriage in church or who are asked to be Godfather or Godmother for their baptized Godchild, but did not live the sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation can ask us to accompany them into the preparation and celebration of these sacraments.

Usually, the meetings are held on Saturday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the rectory of Rawdon, from September to May. The celebration of Confirmation takes place on Pentecost Sunday at the Cathedral of Joliette.

Leader: Father Van Hau Pham (Vincent): 450-834-2323