WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULESunday: 9:00 am. mass in English 10:30 am. mass in French Weekdays: 8:30 am Thursday and Friday ADORATION: Thursday after the morning Mass up to 3 pm at church |
7:30 p.m. Every Saturday, we unite in our church reciting together the CHAPELET to ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary with her son Jesus Christ for personal intentions, relatives and friends.
Via Cross
During this LENT, we entrust our CROSS to the Lord by meditating on his suffering of the Way of the Cross. It takes place on Friday, after the 8:30 a.m. mass.
7 p.m.-8 p.m., Wednesday (once every two weeks)
Where? At the Rectory
Sharing the Gospel is intended to be a Christian reflection on the Word of God. A meeting animated by the desire to deepen the Word by sharing one of the texts of the liturgy of the following Sunday in an ambiance of friendliness and welcome.
Scripture never ceases to question us about the God we believe in. These meetings allow us to deepen our Faith as adults and with adults and update the Gospel daily.
The meeting is led by Father Vincent and is held twice a month.
Progress of a meeting
Firstly, a look back at the daily life experience since the last meeting. We continue with the reading of the texts from the following Sunday, then a moment of reflection: “What does the Word arouse in me? » before opening up to sharing.
The participation of members stimulates us and strengthens the faith of others. It is an awareness that is made in simple words, close to everyday life, and which can be integrated into small everyday gestures.